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Posted August 29, 2020 in Helpful Info

Families with Special Needs: CDC Caregiving Tips

Families with Special Needs: CDC Caregiving Tips

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) is a great resource for families with special needs! Our goal is to incorporate the helpful information they provide into our future programs.  Building Healthier America Families have great strength and strive for positivity. There are also times caregivers need to be mindful and engage in self care including:

  1. Stay healthy for yourself and those you care for.
  2. Work to maintain your personal interests, hobbies, and friendships. Balance is key.
  3. Set reasonable expectations about caregiving. This may lower stress and make you a more effective caregiver.
  4. Take a break. Short or long breaks can be helpful.

We encourage you to turn to the CDC website with questions about your own care, or your child’s care. Have your own tips you’d like to share? Great! Simply Contact Us!